Couples, Partners & Connections

Couples, Partners & Connections

Coming Together To Co-Create Consciously in Connection
Human Design Connection Sessions focus on the energetic aspects of your relationship.
Human Design is not moralistic, which means there is no good or bad aspects of a relationship. And neither party is good or bad either!
It is all about energy and how your energy blueprints interact.Looking at energy with Human Design, it can be easy to see why two people are naturally attracted to each other, and it provides clues as to the potential tensions and challenges in a relationships as well. None of this is personal.
Any tensions are the result of interactions of two people’s energy and how you have taken on wounds/conditioning in your life and in this relationship.It's all possible to sort out. It's all possible to find the the ease and flow in a relationship.
Is it easy work? Not necessarily. But the information in your energetic blueprints provide encoded clues and practical strategies. 
If you have questions, schedule 30-minutes on my calendar 
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